Action by claimant.

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§ 564.56 Action by claimant.

(a) Who may present a claim. A claim for damage to or loss of private property may be presented by the owner, or his agent or legal representative. The word “owner”, as so used, includes bailees, lessees, mortgagors, conditional vendors, and subrogees, but does not include mortgagees, conditional vendors, and others having title for purposes of security only. If filed by an agent or legal representative, the claim should be filed in the name of the owner, signed by such agent or legal representative, showing the title or capacity of the person signing, and be accompanied by evidence of the appointment of such person as agent, executor, administrator, guardian, or other fiduciary. If filed by a corporation the claim should show the title or capacity of the officer signing it and be accompanied by evidence of his authority to act. In case of the death of the proper claimant, if it appears that no legal representative has been or will be appointed, the claim may be presented by any person who, by reason of the family relationship, has in fact incurred the expense for which the claim is made.

(b) Form of claim. A claim shall be submitted in the form of a statement signed by the claimant, setting forth his address, and stating briefly all the facts and circumstances relating to the damage for which compensation is claimed, including a description of the property, evidence of its value, the nature and extent of the damage, the date and place such damage was incurred, the agency by which it was caused, if known, and the amount. Standard Form 95 (Claim for Damage or Injury), appropriately modified by deleting references to “injury” and “personal injury,” may be used for this purpose. The claim and all papers accompanying it which are signed by the claimant should bear like signatures.

(c) Time within which claim must be presented. A claim cognizable under §§ 564.51 to 564.58 must be submitted within two years of the date of occurrence of the accident or incident.

(d) Place of filing. A claim cognizable under §§ 564.51 to 564.58 must be presented in writing to the adjutant general, or his duly authorized representative, of the State, Territory, Commonwealth, or District of Columbia, having jurisdiction over the personnel or unit involved in the accident or incident out of which the claim arose, or to the office of the Chief, National Guard Bureau, The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310.

(e) Evidence to be submitted by claimant -

(1) General. A claim for damage to or loss of private property must be specific and substantiated by evidence of the damage or loss. A mere statement that such property was damaged or lost and that a certain amount is a fair compensation therefor is not sufficient to support a claim.

(2) Motor vehicles, buildings, fences, and other structures. The claimant must submit, if repairs or replacement has been effected, itemized bills therefor, signed and certified as just and correct by the repairman or suppliers, together with evidence of payment thereof, if made; if repairs or replacement has not been effected, an estimate of the cost thereof signed by a person competent to effect such repairs or replacement.

(3) Crops, trees, land, and other realty. The claimant must submit an itemized signed estimate of the cost of repairs or restoration of the property, supported by evidence of the number of acres of land, crops, or trees involved, the normal yield per acre and the market value of the property per unit of measure common to the property damaged, or the estimated length of time the land will be unfit for grazing, the normal rental value per acre of similar land in the vicinity, and such other information as may be necessary.

(4) Contracts. A copy of the contract, or competent evidence of the provisions thereof, will be furnished by the claimant in support of a claim cognizable under § 564.54.

(5) Additional evidence. The claims officer, the interested State adjutant general, or the Chief National Guard Bureau, may require the claimant to submit such additional evidences as he deems necessary to substantiate the claim, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, estimates of cost, of repairs from repairman other than those whose estimates the claimant has submitted with the claim and evidence of ownership of or interest in the property.

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