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§ 564.41 Burial.

(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide policies and designate responsibilities for the care and disposition of remains of members of the Army National Guard entitled to burial at Federal expense.

(b) Authority. Act of 10 August 1956 (70A Stat. 112) as amended, title 10 U.S.C., sections 1481 through 1488, applicable to military personnel and their dependents.

(c) Policy. The provisions of AR 638-40 are applicable to battalion and higher level units of the Army National Guard, except as modified herein.

(d) Responsibilities.

(1) The Chief, National Guard Bureau is responsible for prescribing procedures for the care and disposition of remains of members of the ARNG who die while -

(i) Performing full-time training at other than an Active Army installation under sections 316, 502, 503, 504, and 505, title 32, U.S.C.

(ii) Performing authorized travel to or from training outlined in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section.

(iii) Being hospitalized or undergoing treatment at Government expense for an injury incurred or disease contracted while performing duty indicated in paragraphs (d)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section.

(iv) Performing inactive duty training (IDT) under section 502, title 32, U.S.C. (It is to be noted that present law does not provide for payment of burial expenses from Federal funds for ARNG personnel killed while traveling to or from IDT.)

(2) Active Army installations are responsible for the care and disposition of remains of members of the National Guard who die while -

(i) Performing active duty for training under title 10 and training or other full-time training duty at an Active Army installation under sections 502, 503, 504, and 505, title 32, U.S.C.

(ii) Performing authorized travel to or from training specified in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section.

(iii) Being hospitalized or receiving treatment at Government expense as a result of injury incurred or disease contracted while performing duty indicated in paragraphs (d)(2) (i) and (ii) of this section.

(3) State adjutants general are responsible for notification of death in accordance with chapter 10, AR 600-10.

(e) Limitation of burial expense. Payment of burial expenses is limited to an amount not exceeding that allowed by the Government for such services and in no circumstances may payment exceed the amount actually expended. The amount allowed when relatives incur the expenses will be in accordance with the following limitation:

(1) If death occurs where a properly approved Contract for Care of Remains is in force (Army, Navy, or Air Force contracts), the amount to be allowed for each item will not exceed the amount allowable under such contract.

(2) If death occurs where no contract is in force, reimbursement for items or services, including preparation and casketing will be limited to the stipulated amount included in chapter 4, AR 638-40.

(3) Reimbursement for transportation will be limited to the amount for which the Government could have obtained required common carrier transportation plus the change made for hearse servce from the common carrier terminal to the first place of delivery.

(4) Reimbursement for interment expenses is limited to the amounts provided in chapter 13, AR 638-40.

(f) Accountability for clothing.

(1) If in a serviceable condition, the uniform in possession of the deceased will be used and accountability dropped in accordance with NGR 710-2.

(2) If a serviceable uniform is not in possession of the deceased, a request for issue of required items will be prepared. Accountability and responsibility for items issued will be terminated by the responsible officer upon execution of a statement on DA Form 3078 or 3345, substantially as follows:

The items of clothing enumerated above were issued to clothe the remains of _____ for funeral purposes. At the time of his/her death, the deceased was a member in good standing in this organization.

(g) ARNG personnel serving in a nonpay status. In accordance with title 32, U.S.C. section 503, a member may, with his/her consent, either with or without pay, be ordered to perform training or other duty in addition to that prescribed under title 32, U.S.C. section 502(a). Duty without pay will be considered for all purposes as if it were duty with pay.

[44 FR 18489, Mar. 28, 1979]

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