Procedures for obtaining medical care.

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§ 564.40 Procedures for obtaining medical care.

(a) When a member of the ARNG incurs a disease or an injury, while performing training duty under sections 502-505 of title 32, U.S.C., he/she will, without delay, report the fact to his/her unit commander. Each member will be informed that it is his/her responsibility to comply with these instructions, and that failure to promptly report the occurrence of a disease or injury may result in the loss of medical benefits.

(b) Authorization for care in civilian facility.

(1) An individual who desires medical or dental care in civilian medical treatment facilities at Federal expense is not authorized such care without written or verbal authorization by the Chief, National Guard Bureau or his/her designee, except in an emergency.

(2) When medical care is obtained without prior authorization, the details will be submitted to NGB-ARS as soon as practicable. The notification of medical care will be made following the format in the appendix. The notification will be reviewed by NGB-ARS and replied to as deemed appropriate.

(c) Status while undergoing hospitalization. The ARNG status of an individual is not affected by virtue of his hospitalization. The provisions of AR 135-200 will apply. Determination of requirement for continued hospitalization will be made by the MTF commander. Paragraph (d) of this section will apply when a final “not in line of duty” determination has been made. Under no condition will an individual be assigned to the medical holding unit of a hospital.

(d) Disposition of hospitalized cases. When it is determined that a hospitalized ARNG member has obtained the maximum benefits from hospitalization and there is no disability remaining from the condition for which hospitalized, he/she will be returned to his/her duty station or, if none, to his/her home of record at the time of entry into the hospital.


notification of injury

Date ______

SUBJECT: Notification of Medical Care and/or Hospitalized Beyond the End of Training Periods.

THRU: The Adjutant General State of ____.

TO: NGB-ARS, Washington, DC 20310.

In accordance with paragraph 8, NGR 40-3, notification of medical care is furnished below:




Parent unit and station:

Type and inclusive dates of training:

Date and place of incident:


LOD status:

Name and distance of nearest Federal medical facility:

Name and address of medical facilities utilized:

Estimated cost and duration of treatment:

Summary of incident:

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