Medical care benefits.

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§ 564.39 Medical care benefits.

(a) A member of the ARNG who incurs a disease or injury under the conditions enumerated herein is entitled to medical care, in a hospital or at his/her home, appropriate for the treatment of his/her disease or injury until the resulting disability cannot be materially improved by further medical care.

(b) If it is determined that the disease or injury was directly related to authorized activities surrounding the care of the original disease or injury, medical care may be continued in the same manner as if it had occurred during the training period.

(c) When members who incur a disease or an injury during a period of training or duty under title 32, U.S.C. 503, 504, 505, or 502f are admitted to an Army medical treatment facility, and it appears that a finding of “not in line of duty” may be appropriate, a formal line of duty investigation should be promptly conducted, and a copy of the report furnished the treatment facility. If these findings result in a “not in line of duty” determination prior to the date the training is terminated, every effort should be made to assist the hospital concerned in disposing of the patient from the hospital by the date the training is terminated or as soon thereafter as he/she becomes transportable. Medical care furnished such member after the termination of the period of training is not authorized at Army expense unless the “not in line of duty” determination is ultimately reversed. The individual may be furnished medical care at Army expense from the date the training is terminated to the date the member receives notification of this action. Medical care received subsequent to the member's receipt of such notification is not authorized at Army expense. In the event a line of duty investigation has not been made by the date the training is terminated, every effort will be made to arrive at a determination as soon thereafter as possible.

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