For whom authorized.

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§ 564.38 For whom authorized.

(a) In line of duty. Medical care is authorized for members who incur a disease or injury in line of duty under the following circumstances:

(1) When a disease is contracted or injury is incurred while enroute to, from, or during any type of training or duty under sections 503, 504, 505, and for Guardmembers on orders for over 30 days performing duty under section 502f of title 32, U.S.C. Such training includes, but is not limited to annual training, maneuvers and field exercises, service schools, small arms meets, and FTTD under aforementioned sections.

(2) When an injury is incurred while engaged in any type of training under section 502 of title 32, U.S.C. Such training includes, but is not limited to, unit training assembly, multiple unit training assembly, and training in aerial flight, other than FTTD under 502f.

(3) While not on duty and while voluntarily participating in aerial flights in Government-owned aircraft under proper authority and incident to training. Guardmembers are authorized medical and dental care required as the result of an injury incurred in line of duty.

(4) Medical care is not authorized at Army expense for members who incur an injury while enroute to or from any type of training under section 502, except for Guardmembers ordered to perform duty for over 30 days under section 502f of title 32, U.S.C. Line of duty investigations and authorization for any medical treatment for conditions incurred while the members were performing Reserve Enlistment Program of 1963 (REP 63) training in a Federal status, or training under title 10, U.S.C. are the responsibility of the Army Area commander under whose jurisdiction the member was training, even though the individual may have returned to his/her National Guard status.

(b) Not in line of duty. Members who incur an injury or contract a disease during any type of training or duty under sections 502f, 503, 504, or 505 of title 32, U.S.C., when it is determined to be not in line of duty, may be furnished medical care at Army expense during the period of training.

(c) Armory drill status. Members who incur an injury while in an armory drill status under section 502 of title 32, U.S.C., when it is determined to be not in line of duty, may not be furnished medical care at Army expense.

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