Medical care.

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§ 564.37 Medical care.

(a) General. The definitions of medical care; policies outlining the manner, conditions, procedures, and eligibility for care; and the sources from which medical care is obtained are enumerated in AR 40-3.

(b) Elective care. Elective care in civilian medical treatment facilities or by civilian medical and dental personnel is not authorized. The medical care authorized by this regulation is limited to that necessary for the treatment of the disease or injury incurred under the conditions outlined herein.

(c) Prosthetic devices, prosthetic dental appliances, hearing aids, spectacles, orthopedic footwear, and orthopedic appliances. These items will be furnished -

(1) By Army medical facilities.

(i) When required in the course of treatment of a disease or injury contracted or incurred in line of duty.

(ii) When required to replace items that have been lost, damaged, or destroyed while engaged in training under sections 502-505 of title 32, U.S.C., not the result of negligence or misconduct of the individual concerned.

(2) By civilian sources.

(i) Under the circumstances enumerated in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, after approval of the United States Property and Fiscal Officer's (USPFO) of the respective States.

(ii) Under the circumstances enumerated in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, in the case of prosthetic devices, prosthetic dental appliances, hearing aids, orthopedic footwear, and orthopedic appliances when the unit commander determines that:

(A) Member is far removed from a Federal medical treatment facility.

(B) Lack of such device would interfere with the individual's performance of duty as a member of the ARNG.

(C) Approval must be obtained from the USPFO's of the respective States prior to replacement.

(iii) Under the circumstances enumerated in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, in the case of spectacles upon a determination by the unit commander that:

(A) The member is far removed from military medical treatment facility.

(B) The member has no other serviceable spectacles.

(C) Lack of a suitable pair of spectacles would interfere with the member's performance of duty as a member of the ARNG.

(D) Charges for replacement of spectacles will not exceed the rates stated in AR 40-330. Charges for replacement or repair by civilian sources over and above the allowable rates will be paid from the individual's personal funds.

(E) In cases covered by paragraphs (c)(2) (ii) and (iii) of this section, the unit commander will furnish a statement to support the voucher as follows:


Name______, Rank______, SSN______, ____________, ______, while engaged in training under section *(502 *(503) *(504) *(505) of title 32, United States Code sustained the *(loss) *(damage) *(destruction) of his/her spectacles ____________, description of loss, damage or destruction (type of lens and frames) not the result of misconduct or negligence on his/her part. The *(repair) *(replacement) would interfere with his/her performance of duty as a member of the Army National Guard. Date,______, signature of unit commander______.

*Indicate applicable portions.

(F) Approval must be obtained from the USPFO of the respective State prior to repair or replacement of spectacles.

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