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§ 56.5 Responsibilities.

(a) The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics) (ASD(MRA&L)), or designee, shall monitor compliance with this part. In discharging this responsibility, the ASD(MRA&L), or designee, shall:

(1) Coordinate efforts of DoD Components to enforce this part.

(2) Assist in the development of standards and procedures promulgated pursuant to § 56.9.

(3) Perform the responsibilities assigned to the ASD(MRA&L) in § 56.8, 9, and 10.

(4) Otherwise assist DoD Components in implementing this part.

(b) The Heads of DoD Components shall comply with this part. In discharging this responsibility, they shall:

(1) Designate a policy-level official to ensure compliance with this part receive and investigate complaints filed under this part and otherwise manage DoD Component responsibilities under this part.

(2) Notify the ASD(MRA&L), or designee, of the name, position, location, and telephone number of persons selected by them to be policy-level officials within 15 calendar days of such a selection.

(3) Issue guidelines pursuant to § 56.9.

(4) Cooperate fully with the ASD(MRA&L), or designee, in that official's performance of the responsibilities assigned herein, including furnishing to the ASD(MRA&L), or designee, in a timely fashion any requested reports and information.

(5) Assign sufficient personnel to implement and to ensure effective enforcement of this part.

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