Reporting requirements for work in support of DOE.

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§ 555.9 Reporting requirements for work in support of DOE.

The following reports are to be submitted to HODA with a copy to Commander and Director, CERL. CERL has been assigned the responsibility of Principal Laboratory for Energy R&D.

(a) All executed agreements subordinate to the DOD-DOE Memorandum of Understanding will be reported to DAEN-RD for forwarding to DA and DOD Program Coordinators within 20 days of their consummation.

(b) Reports analyzing each agreement and the DOD-DOE Memorandum of Understanding will be prepared as a “Report on the Department of Defense - Department of Energy Interagency Agreement”, Report Control Symbol DD-M(SA)1511 and forwarded to DAEN-RD within 20 days after the end of the second and fourth quarters each fiscal year. Reports are to be prepared in accordance with the procedures prescribed in DEPPM, No. 78-8. In addition, informal reporting of other cooperative work with DOE not falling under the MOU, will also be reported at those times.

(c) Notifications of non-compliance. DAEN-RD should be promptly notified if the Corps component or DOE fail to comply with the terms of the DOD-DOE Memorandum of Understanding or subordinate agreements. This notification shall include:

(1) A brief statement of the problem.

(2) Nature of corrective action proposed.

(3) Any recommended action for the DOD Program Coordinator.

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