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§ 555.6 Authority.

The following delegations of authority to perform research and development and tests apply.

(a) Major Corps of Engineers Research and Development Laboratories. The major Corps of Engineers research and development organizations are identified as WES, CERL, ETL, CERC, and CRREL. While not major CE R&D Laboratories, FESA, IWR, and HEC are responsible for performance of specific R&D functions.

(1) Subject to the provisions of § 555.8 of this regulation, the Commanders and Directors of WES, ETL and CRREL are authorized to perform direct funded work for DARCOM and DMA in accordance with the applicable memorandums of understanding.

(2) Subject to the provisions of §§ 555.7 and 555.9, the Commanders and Directors of CERL, CRREL, WES and FESA, for specific research and development functions, are authorized to perform work for DOE in accordance with the applicable memorandum of understanding.

(3) Except as provided for in paragraphs (a) (5) and (6) of this section, the Commanders and Directors of WES, CERL, CERC, CRREL, ETL and FESA are authorized to perform reimbursable work without OCE prior approval for Army agencies, Federal, State and local governmental agencies where the total estimated cost of each request for research and development or test is $50,000 or less. The Research and Development Office will be advised of each request for research and development or test having an estimated cost exceeding $20,000 (excluding cement sampling and testing work covered in § 555.6(a)(5) herein). Reimbursable research and development and test work for which the cost is estimated to be in excess of $50,000 will not be initiated until authorization is received. Written requests for authorization to conduct work beyond the $50,000 limit and notification of all scheduled work costing between $20,000 and $50,000 shall be submitted to DAEN-RD. These requests should accompany the technical proposal copy required by § 555.7(a) herein. It should include an explanation of the proposed work including how the work complements or impacts on-going research.

(4) Except as provided for in § 555.6(a)(5), the Commanders and Directors of WES, CERL, CERC, CRREL, ETL and FESA are delegated authority to perform reimbursable research and development for U.S. private firms and foreign governments when the total estimated cost of each request for research and development or test is $20,000 or less. Approval is required when estimated costs exceed this authority. Written requests for approval shall be addressed to DAEN-RD.

(5) Corps R&D Laboratories are authorized to participate in the Department of Defense Technology Transfer Consortium. Participation in and effort undertaken to adapt existing technology or on-going research for transfer to the civil sector as a result of participation in this consortium shall be subject to the provisions of appendix A.

(6) The Director of WES is authorized to perform sampling and testing of cement and pozzolan for Federal, State, and local governmental agencies without limitation on cost. Approval is required prior to performance of sampling and testing of cement and pozzolan for private firms and foreign governments when the total estimated cost of sampling and testing services exceeds $2,500. Requests for approval shall be addressed to DAEN-RD.

(7) The Director of CERL is authorized to perform compliance testing of paint for Federal, State and local governmental agencies without limitation on cost.

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