Terms of providing reimbursement for work performed.

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§ 555.5 Terms of providing reimbursement for work performed.

(a) Federal Agencies. Reimbursement for work for the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, and other Federal Agencies will be in accordance with the procedures prescribed in AR 37-27.

(b) Private firms and Foreign Governments. Funds to cover the total estimated cost of the work or an initial increment of the estimated cost based on an approved schedule of payment will be deposited with the installation performing the work before any obligations or expenses in connection with the work are incurred; and when funds are being deposited on an approved schedule, no obligations or expenses will be incurred in connection with the work in excess of funds on deposit. Charges shall include a surcharge of 15% of all applicable costs, except under the following conditions:

(1) When the final product will directly contribute to planning, design, research, or construction activities in which Federal funds are involved by grant or otherwise.

(2) Where an exception is granted based on a direct benefit to the Government. Adequate justification, outlining the direct benefits which are expected to accrue to the Government, will be forwarded to HQDA (DAEN-RD) WASH DC 20314, for review and approval prior to deletion of the surcharge.

(c) State and Local Governments. Work for State and local governments will be performed only to the extent that cash has been received and deposited with the U.S. Treasury in advance of actual expenditures. When the work for State and local governments is to be performed as part of an authorized Civil Works Project, reimbursement may be made in annual installments during the period of performance in accordance with Section 40 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974.

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