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§ 555.4 Policy.

(a) The policies and procedures covered herein extend and supplement the performance of work for other Federal Agencies authorized in ER 1140-2-302, and services for State and local governmental units authorized in ER 1140-2-303, and the policy set forth by the Secretary of Defense in appendix A.

(b) Subject to the authority limitations contained in § 555.6 of this part, research and development and tests may be performed for other agencies of the Federal Government, State and local governments, foreign governments and private firms under the following conditions:

(1) The work is performed on a cost reimbursable basis; or on a cooperative basis with the Department of Energy (DOE), utilizing the resources of both DOE and the Corps; or as a part of direct funded programs for the Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command (DARCOM) or the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA), as provided for in §§ 555.6(a)(1), 555.6(a)(2), 555.7, and 555.9 of this part.

(2) Performance of the work will not interfere with performance of services essential to the mission of the Corps.

(3) Performance of the work will not require an increase in the permanent staff of the facility.

(4) Performance of the work will not require expansion of normal facilities.

(5) The work is within the scope of authorized activities of the laboratory at which the work is to be performed.

(6) Performance of the work will not be adverse to the public interest.

(7) Work will not be performed for foreign government or private firms unless it is firmly established that other laboratory facilities capable of performing the services are not available, or because of location or for other reasons it is clearly impractical to utilize other laboratory services.

(8) Prior to performing any research and development or tests for private firms, CE laboratories will obtain a written certification from such firms stating that the results of the work to be performed will not be used in litigation or for promotional purposes.

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