Exemption determination authority.

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§ 516.76 Exemption determination authority.

(a) The commander exercising special court-martial convening authority (SPCMCA) over a unit has the authority to determine whether a soldier of that unit, who has been served with a summons, is exempt from serving on a state or local jury unless that authority has been limited or withheld in accordance with paragraph (b) or (c) of this section. This authority may not be delegated to a subordinate commander who does not exercise SPCMCA.

(b) A commander superior to the SPCMCA, who also exercises SPCMCA or general court-martial convening authority (GCMCA) over a unit, may limit or withhold the exemption determination authority of subordinate commanders.

(c) A GCMCA, who orders a unit or soldier assigned to one command to be attached or detailed to another command for disciplinary purposes (for example, “for administration” or “for administration of military justice”), may reserve exemption determination authority to the commander exercising SPCMCA in the chain of command to which the unit or soldier is assigned rather than the chain of command to which the unit or soldier is attached or detailed.

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