Response to subpoenas, orders, or requests for witnesses.

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§ 516.47 Response to subpoenas, orders, or requests for witnesses.

(a) Policy. The involvement of present or former DA personnel in private litigation is solely a personal matter between the witness and the requesting party, unless one or more of the following conditions apply:

(1) The testimony involves official information. (See appendix F - Glossary to this part).

(2) The witness is to testify as an expert.

(3) The absence of the witness from duty will seriously interfere with the accomplishment of a military mission.

(b) Former DA personnel. Former DA personnel may freely respond to requests for interviews and subpoenas except in instances involving official information (paragraph (a)(1) of this section) or concerning expert testimony prohibited by § 516.49. In those instances, the subject of the request or subpoena should take the action specified in §§ 516.41(c) and 516.42.

(c) Present DA personnel. Present DA personnel will refer all requests for interviews and subpoenas for testimony in private litigation through their supervisor to the appropriate SJA or legal adviser.

(d) Discretion to testify. Any individual not wishing to grant an interview or to testify concerning private litigation may seek the advice of an Army attorney concerning the consequences, if any, of refusal. Any individual not authorized to consult with Army counsel should consult with private counsel, at no expense to the government.

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