Authority to manufacture.

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§ 507.6 Authority to manufacture.

(a) Only manufacturers that TIOH has certified and has issued a certificate of authority to may produce heraldic items.

(1) TIOH will issue a certificate of authority to manufacturers who can demonstrate they have the capability to manufacture controlled heraldic items according to Government specifications or purchase descriptions through the certification process.

(2) The certificate of authority to manufacture is applicable only for the individual, firm, or corporation indicated and will be valid for 5 years.

(3) TIOH will assign a hallmark to each certified manufacturer. All controlled heraldic items manufactured for commercial sale will bear the manufacturer's hallmark.

(4) TIOH exclusively uses the “IOH” hallmark for the development of new controlled heraldic items; it is not authorized for use on items for commercial sale.

(b) A certificate of authority to manufacture may be revoked or suspended under the procedures prescribed in § 507.16.

(c) A list of certified manufacturers is on the TIOH web page at

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