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§ 507.4 Responsibilities.

The Director of The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH) will -

(a) Monitor the overall operation of the Heraldic Quality Control Program.

(b) Establish policy and procedures to:

(1) Certify manufacturers of insignia and plaques.

(2) Control the manufacture and quality assurance of military decorations, the DA seal and emblem, Branch of Service plaques, and other heraldic items.

(3) Grant certificates of authority for the manufacture and commercial sale of Service flags and Service lapel buttons.

(4) Provide heraldic services to the Executive branch, Department of Defense, and other Federal agencies on a reimbursable basis.

(5) Provide advisory opinions on the use of Army heraldic items for licensing or other commercial purposes (for example, the Army Emblem, Army Flag, unit insignia, and items approved for wear on uniforms), at the request of the Army Trademark Licensing Program.

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