How long must I require participants to keep records related to the TIA?

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§ 37.910 How long must I require participants to keep records related to the TIA?

Your TIA must require participants to keep records related to the TIA (for which the agreement provides Government access under § 37.915) for a period of three years after submission of the final financial status report for an expenditure-based TIA or final programmatic status report for a fixed-support TIA, with the following exceptions:

(a) The participant must keep records longer than three years after submission of the final financial status report if the records relate to an audit, claim, or dispute that begins but does not reach its conclusion within the 3-year period. In that case, the participant must keep the records until the matter is resolved and final action taken.

(b) Records for any real property or equipment acquired with project funds under the TIA must be kept for three years after final disposition.

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