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§ 34.3 Deviations.

(a) Individual deviations. Individual deviations affecting only one award may be approved by DoD Components in accordance with procedures stated in 32 CFR 21.335(a) and 21.340.

(b) Small awards. DoD Components may apply less restrictive requirements than the provisions of this part when awarding small awards, except for those requirements which are statutory.

(c) Other class deviations. For classes of awards other than small awards, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, or his or her designee, may grant exceptions from the requirements of this part when exceptions are not prohibited by statute. DoD Components shall request approval for such deviations in accordance with 32 CFR 21.335 (b) and 21.340.

[63 FR 12204, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 68 FR 47160, Aug. 7, 2003; 85 FR 51244, Aug. 19, 2020]

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