Property management system.

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§ 34.23 Property management system.

The recipient's property management system shall include the following, for property that is Federally owned, and for equipment that is acquired in whole or in part with Federal funds, or that is used as matching share:

(a) Property records shall be maintained, to include the following information:

(1) A description of the property.

(2) Manufacturer's serial number, model number, Federal stock number, national stock number, or any other identification number.

(3) Source of the property, including the award number.

(4) Whether title vests in the recipient or the Federal Government.

(5) Acquisition date (or date received, if the property was furnished by the Federal Government) and cost.

(6) Information from which one can calculate the percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the property (not applicable to property furnished by the Federal Government).

(7) The location and condition of the property and the date the information was reported.

(8) Ultimate disposition data, including date of disposal and sales price or the method used to determine current fair market value where a recipient compensates the Federal Government for its share.

(b) Federally owned equipment shall be marked, to indicate Federal ownership.

(c) A physical inventory shall be taken and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every two years. Any differences between quantities determined by the physical inspection and those shown in the accounting records shall be investigated to determine the causes of the difference. The recipient shall, in connection with the inventory, verify the existence, current utilization, and continued need for the property.

(d) A control system shall be in effect to insure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the property. Any loss, damage, or theft of property shall be investigated and fully documented; if the property was owned by the Federal Government, the recipient shall promptly notify the Federal agency responsible for administering the property.

(e) Adequate maintenance procedures shall be implemented to keep the property in good condition.

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