FOIA Public Liaisons and the Office of Government Information Services.

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§ 286.4 FOIA Public Liaisons and the Office of Government Information Services.

(a) Each DoD Component has at least one FOIA Public Liaison. FOIA Public Liaisons are responsible for working with requesters that have any concerns about the service received from a FOIA RSC, reducing delays in the processing of FOIA requests, increasing transparency and understanding of the status of requests, and assisting in the resolution of disputes. Contact information for DoD Component FOIA Public Liaisons is available at

(b) Engaging in dispute resolution services provided by OGIS. Mediation is a voluntary process. If a requester seeks dispute resolution services from the Office of Government Information services (OGIS), the DoD will actively engage as a partner to the process in an attempt to resolve the dispute.

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