General information.

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§ 286.3 General information.

(a) The DoD has a decentralized system for responding to FOIA requests, with each DoD Component designating at least one FOIA Requester Service Center (RSC) to process records from that component. All DoD RSCs have the capability to receive requests electronically either through email or a web portal. To make a request for records, a requester should write directly to the DoD Component that maintains the records being sought. A request will receive the quickest possible response if it is addressed to the RSC of the DoD Component that maintains the records sought. Addresses and contact information for the RSCs are available at This Web site has the contact information for the following DoD Components: The OSD and the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force, Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals, Defense Commissary Agency, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Contract Management Agency, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Defense Health Agency, Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Security Service, Defense Technical Information Center, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Joint Personnel Recovery Agency, DoD Education Activity, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Guard Bureau, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency/Central Security Service, Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, United States Africa Command, United States Central Command, United States European Command, United States Northern Command, United States Pacific Command, United States Special Operations Command, United States Strategic Command, and United States Transportation Command.

(b) The OSD/Joint Staff FOIA RSC also processes FOIA requests for the Criminal Investigation Task Force, Defense Acquisition University, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, Defense Legal Services Agency, Defense Microelectronics Activity, Defense Media Activity, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Defense Technology Security Administration, Defense Travel Management Office, DoD Human Resources Activity, DoD Test Resource Management Center, Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency, Missile Defense Agency, National Defense University, Office of Economic Adjustment, Pentagon Force Protection Agency, Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences, Washington Headquarters Services and White House Military Office.

(c) A requester who is making a request for records about himself or herself, regardless of whether the records are in a Privacy Act system of records, must comply with the verification of identity requirements as determined by the DoD Component in accordance with 32 CFR part 310.

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