Processing of appeals.

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§ 286.11 Processing of appeals.

(a) Requirements for making an appeal. A requester may appeal any adverse determinations to the DoD Component's appellate authority. Examples of adverse determinations are provided in § 286.9(e). Appeals can be submitted by mail or online in accordance with the requirements provided in the DoD Component's final response. Requesters that are not provided with appeal requirements should contact the FOIA RSC processing their request to obtain the requirements. The requester must make the appeal in writing and to be considered timely it must be postmarked, or in the case of electronic submissions, transmitted, within 90 calendar days after the date of the response. The appeal should clearly identify the determination that is being appealed and the assigned request number. To facilitate handling, the requester should mark both the appeal letter and envelope, or subject line of the electronic transmission, “Freedom of Information Act Appeal.”

(b) Adjudication of appeals.

(1) The Heads of the following DoD Components will serve as, or appoint an appropriate official to serve as, the component's appellate authority: Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force, Defense Commissary Agency, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Contract Management Agency, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Defense Health Agency, Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Security Service, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency/Central Security Service, and the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense.

(2) The Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) will serve as the appellate authority for the OSD and the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, Armed Services of Contract Appeals, Defense Technical Information Center, Joint Personnel Recovery Agency, DoD Education Activity, National Guard Bureau, United States Africa Command, United States Central Command, United States European Command, United States Northern Command, United States Pacific Command, United States Special Operations Command, United States Strategic Command, and United States Transportation Command. The DCMO may delegate this authority to an appropriate official of the DCMO staff.

(3) An appeal will normally not be adjudicated if the request becomes a matter of FOIA litigation. This decision should be made after consultation with the Department of Justice attorney responsible for the litigation.

(c) Decisions on appeals. A decision on an appeal must be made in writing and signed by the appellate authority. A decision that upholds a DoD Component's determination in whole or in part will contain a statement that identifies the reasons for the affirmance, including any FOIA exemptions applied. The decision will provide the requester with notification of the statutory right to file a lawsuit. If a decision is remanded or modified on appeal, the requester will be notified of that determination in writing. The DoD Component will thereafter further process the request in accordance with that appeal determination and respond directly to the requester.

(d) When an appeal is required. A requester generally must first submit a timely administrative appeal before seeking review by a court of a DoD Component's adverse determination.

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