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§ 277.4 Responsibilities.

(a) The Inspector General, Department of Defense (IG, DoD), shall establish procedures for carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the “investigating official” as outlined in the appendix of this part.

(b) The General Counsel, Department of Defense (GC, DoD), shall:

(1) Establish procedures for carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the authority head, Department of Defense, which have been delegated to the GC, DoD, as set forth in appendix of this part.

(2) Establish procedures for carrying out the duties and responsibilities for appointment and support of presiding officers, as set forth in appendix of this part; and

(3) Review and approve the regulations and instructions required by this section to be submitted for approval by the GC, DoD.

(c) The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall:

(1) Establish procedures for carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the “authority head” and of the “reviewing officials” for their respective Departments, and for obtaining and supporting presiding officers from other Agencies as specified in Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations; (see appendix of this part).

(2) Make all regulations or instructions promulgated subject to the approval of the GC, DoD; and

(3) Delegate duties as appropriate.

(d) The General Counsel of the National Security Agency (GC, NSA) and the General Counsel of the Defense Logistics Agency (GC, DLA) shall be responsible for establishing procedures for carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the reviewing officials that have been delegated to them, as stated in appendix of this part. All Regulations or Instructions promulgated pursuant to this part shall be submitted to the GC, DoD.

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