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§ 251.5 Responsibilities.

(a) The USD(P&R):

(1) Provides overall policy guidance for carrying out the responsibilities and duties of the Secretary of Defense in accordance with DoD Directive 5124.02 and 50 U.S.C. 1913.

(2) Ensures appropriate resources are programmed for the administration and operation of the NLSC.

(b) Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness (ASD(R)):

(1) Through the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Education:

(i) Develops processes and polices regarding the NLSC oversight and coordination by the NSEB in accordance with 50 U.S.C. 1903 and 1913.

(ii) Recommends and oversees the establishment and execution of policies, programs, and goals to ensure the NLSC supports the readiness of the Military Services.

(iii) Oversees, and monitors compliance with the NLSC programs and processes on behalf of the Secretary of Defense to include the procedures in § 251.6.

(iv) Ensures that functions needed to support the accomplishment of the NLSC mission are executed, including engagement with DoD Components, federal agencies, and State and local governments to identify language needs, assessment of language proficiency of its members, and skill sustainment training.

(v) Determines eligibility for NLSC membership.

(2) Hosts the annual program review identified in 50 U.S.C. 1913.

(3) Designates a program manager responsible for overseeing implementation of NLSC programs and processes.

(c) Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), the Director, Department of Defense Human Resources Activity (DoDHRA):

(1) Implements procedures and instructions for the appointment of NLSC members in support of DoD or other U.S. departments or agencies.

(2) Authorizes and signs interagency agreements between the NLSC and organizations outside of the DoD, and delegates authority to sign such agreements as needed.

(3) Provides administrative support to the NLSC, including actions related to intra- and inter-agency agreements, the intra- and inter-agency transfer of funds, personnel actions, and travel requirements.

(4) Provides fiscal management and oversight to ensure all funds provided for the NLSC are separately and visibly accounted for in the DoD budget.

(d) DoD Components heads ensure that the use of NLSC members is considered during exercise and operational planning.

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