Enforcement of parking regulations.

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§ 228.5 Enforcement of parking regulations.

For reasons of security, parking regulations shall be strictly enforced. Except with proper authorization, parking on protected property is not allowed without a permit. Parking without a permit or other authorization, parking in unauthorized locations or in locations reserved for other persons, or parking contrary to the direction of posted signs or applicable state or federal laws and regulations is prohibited. Vehicles parked in violation, where warning signs are posted, shall be subject to removal at the owner's risk, which shall be in addition to any penalties assessed pursuant to § 228.18. The Agency assumes no responsibility for the payment of any fees or costs related to such removal which may be charged to the owner of the vehicle by the towing organization. This paragraph may be supplemented from time to time with the approval of the NSA Director of Security or his designee by the issuance and posting of such specific traffic directives as may be required, and when so issued and posted such directives shall have the same force and effect as if made a part hereof. Proof that a vehicle was parked in violation of these regulations or directives may be taken as prima facie evidence that the registered owner was responsible for the violation.

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