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§ 22.705 Policy.

(a) DoD policy is to have each recipient deal with a single office, to the maximum extent practicable, for post-award administration of its grants and cooperative agreements. This reduces burdens on recipients that can result when multiple DoD offices separately administer grants and cooperative agreements they award to a given recipient. It also minimizes unnecessary duplication of field administration services.

(b) To further reduce burdens on recipients, the office responsible for performing field administration services for grants and cooperative agreements to a particular recipient shall be, to the maximum extent practicable, the same office that is assigned responsibility for performing field administration services for contracts awarded to that recipient.

(c) Contracting activities and grants officers therefore shall use cross-servicing arrangements whenever practicable and, to the maximum extent possible, delegate responsibility for post-award administration to the cognizant grants administration offices identified in § 22.710.

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