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§ 216.4 Policy.

It is DoD policy that:

(a) Under 10 U.S.C. 983, no covered funds may be provided by contract or grant (to include payment on such contracts or grants previously obligated) to a covered school if the Secretary of Defense determines that the covered school:

(1) Has a policy or practice (regardless of when implemented) that either prohibits or in effect prevents the Secretary of Defense or Secretary of Homeland Security from obtaining, for military recruiting purposes, access to campuses or access to students on campuses that is at least equal in quality and scope, as defined in § 216.3(d), to the access to campuses and to students provided to any other employer, or access to directory information on students;

(2) Has failed to disseminate military visit information or alerts at least on par with nonmilitary recruiters since schools offering such services to nonmilitary recruiters must also send e-mails, post notices, etc., on behalf of military recruiters to comply with the Solomon Amendment;

(3) Has failed to schedule visits at times requested by military recruiters that coincide with nonmilitary recruiters' visits to campus if this results in a greater level of access for other recruiters than for the military (e.g., offering non-military recruiters a choice of a variety of dates for on-campus interviews while only offering the military recruiters the final day of interviews), as schools must ensure that their recruiting policies operate such that military recruiters are given access to students equal to that provided to any other employer;

(4) Has failed to provide military recruiters with a mainstream recruiting location amidst nonmilitary employers to allow unfettered access to interviewees since military recruiters must be given the same access as recruiters who comply with a school's nondiscrimination policy;

(5) Has failed to enforce time, place, and manner policies established by the covered school such that the military recruiters experience an inferior or unsafe recruiting climate, as schools must allow military recruiters on campus and must assist them in whatever way the school assists other employers;

(6) Has through policy or practice in effect denied students permission to participate, or has prevented students from participating, in recruiting activities; or

(7) Has an anti-ROTC policy or practice, as defined in this rule, regardless of when implemented.

(b) The limitations established in paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply to a covered school if the Secretary of Defense determines that the covered school:

(1) Has ceased the policies or practices defined in paragraph (a) of this section;

(2) Has a long-standing policy of pacifism (see § 216.3(j)) based on historical religious affiliation;

(3) When not providing requested access to campuses or to students on campus, certifies that all employers are similarly excluded from recruiting on the premises of the covered school, or presents evidence that the degree of access by military recruiters is the same access to campuses or to students on campuses provided to the nonmilitary recruiters;

(4) When not providing any student-recruiting information, certifies that such information is not maintained by the covered school; or that such information already has been provided to the Military Service concerned for that current semester, trimester, quarter, or other academic term, or within the past 4 months (for institutions without academic terms); or

(5) When not providing student-recruiting information for a specific student certifies that the student concerned has formally requested, in writing, that the covered school withhold this information from all third parties.

(c) A covered school may charge military recruiters a fee for the costs incurred in providing access to student-recruiting information when that institution can certify that such charges are the actual costs, provided that such charges are reasonable, customary and identical to fees charged to other employers.

(d) An evaluation to determine whether a covered school maintains a policy or practice covered by paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this section shall be undertaken when:

(1) Military recruiting personnel are prohibited, or in effect prevented, from the same access to campuses or access to students on campuses provided to nonmilitary recruiters, or are denied access to student-recruiting information;

(2) Information or alerts on military visits are not distributed at least on par with nonmilitary recruiters since schools offering such services to nonmilitary recruiters must also send e-mails, post notices, etc., on behalf of the military recruiter to comply with the Solomon Amendment;

(3) Military recruiters are prohibited from scheduling their visits at requested times that coincide with nonmilitary recruiters' visits to its campus if this results in a greater level of access for other recruiters than for the military as schools must ensure their recruiting policy operates in such a way that military recruiters are given access to students equal to that provided to any other employer;

(4) Military recruiters do not receive a mainstream recruiting location amidst nonmilitary employers to allow unfettered access to interviewees since military recruiters must be given the same access as recruiters who comply with the school's nondiscrimination policy;

(5) The school has failed to enforce time, place, and manner policies established by that school such that military recruiters experience an unsafe recruiting climate, as schools must allow military recruiters on campus and must assist them in whatever way the school chooses to assist other employers;

(6) Evidence is discovered of an institution-sponsored policy or practice that in effect denied students permission to participate, or prevented students from participating in recruiting activities.

(7) The costs being charged by the school for providing student-recruiting information are believed by the military recruiter to be excessive, and the school does not provide information sufficient to support a conclusion that such are the actual costs, provided that they are reasonable and customary, and are identical to those costs charged to other employers; or

(8) The covered school is unwilling to declare in writing, in response to an inquiry from a representative of a DoD Component or a representative from the Department of Homeland Security, that the covered school does not have a policy or practice of prohibiting, or in effect preventing, the Secretary of a Military Department or Secretary of Homeland Security from the same access to campuses or access to students on campuses provided to nonmilitary recruiters, or access to student-recruiting information by military recruiters for purposes of military recruiting.

(e) An evaluation to determine whether a covered school has an anti-ROTC policy covered by paragraph (a)(7) of this section shall be undertaken when:

(1) A Secretary of a Military Department or designee cannot obtain permission to establish, maintain, or efficiently operate a unit of the Senior ROTC; or

(2) Absent a Senior ROTC unit at the covered school, students cannot obtain permission from a covered school to participate, or are effectively prevented from participating, in a unit of the Senior ROTC at another institution of higher education.

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