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§ 213.1 Purpose.

(a) Authorizes 32 CFR part 212.

(b) Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities under DoD Directive 5124.8[1] for standardizing support to non-Federal entities authorized to operate on DoD installations.

(c) Designates the Secretary of the Army as the DoD Executive Agent (DoD EA) according to DoD Directive 5101.1:[2]

(1) For DoD support to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) local councils and organizations in areas outside of the United States 10 U.S.C. 2606. DoD support will also cover the periodic national jamboree according to 10 U.S.C. 2606.

(2) To perform the annual audit of the American Red Cross (ARC) accounts and to prepare and submit the annual report to Congress according to 36 U.S.C. 300110.

(3) To provide the ARC with the necessary deployment support.

(d) Designates the Secretary of the Air Force as the DoD EA responsible for conducting the Armed Forces Entertainment (AFE) program.

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