Mitigation options.

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§ 211.9 Mitigation options.

(a) In discussing mitigation to avoid an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States, the DoD Components designated to discuss mitigation with an applicant or requester shall, as appropriate and as time allows, analyze the following types of DoD mitigation to determine if they identify feasible and affordable actions that may be taken to mitigate adverse impacts of projects on military operations and readiness:

(1) Modifications to military operations.

(2) Modifications to radars or other items of military equipment.

(3) Modifications to military test and evaluation activities, military training routes, or military training procedures.

(4) Providing upgrades or modifications to existing systems or procedures.

(5) The acquisition of new systems by the DoD and other departments and agencies of the Federal Government.

(b) In discussing mitigation to avoid an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States, the applicant or requester, as the case may be, should consider the following possible actions:

(1) Modification of the proposed structure, operating characteristics, or the equipment in the proposed project.

(2) Changing the location of the proposed project.

(3) Limiting daily operating hours or the number of days the equipment in the proposed structure is in use in order to avoid interference with military activities.

(4) Providing a voluntary contribution of funds to offset the cost of measures undertaken by the Secretary of Defense to mitigate adverse impacts of the project on military operations and readiness.

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