(a) The DoD publishes the DoDGARs in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
(b) The location of the DoDGARs in the CFR currently is in transition. The regulations are moving from chapter I, subchapter C, title 32, to a new location in chapter XI, title 2 of the CFR. During the transition, there will be some parts of the DoDGARs in each of the two titles.
(c) The DoD publishes updates to the DoDGARs in the Federal Register for public comment.
(d) A standing working group recommends revisions to the DoDGARs to the ASD(R&E). The ASD(R&E), Director of Defense Procurement, and each Military Department must be represented on the working group. Other DoD Components that make or administer awards may also nominate representatives. The working group meets when necessary.
[85 FR 51240, Aug. 19, 2020]