TAPP process.

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§ 203.5 TAPP process.

This section provides an overview of the TAPP process. Specific details referred to in this section can be found in subsequent sections of this part.

(a) TAPP funding. Funding for this TAPP program will come from the Environmental Restoration Accounts established for Army, Navy, and Air Force for operational installations. The funding for Defense Agencies' operating installations will be from the Defense-Wide Environmental Restoration Account. Funding will be from the component's base closure account for transferring or closing installations. Funding for Formerly Used Defense Sites will come from the Environmental Restoration Account established for Formerly Used Defense Sites. After justification of the TAPP proposal, each DoD Component will make funds available from their individual installation's environmental restoration or BRAC accounts, considering a number of factors related to the restoration program at the installation and its impact upon the community. These factors include, but are not limited to:

(1) Closure status.

(2) Budget.

(3) Installation restoration program status.

(4) Presence (or absence) of alternate funding.

(5) Relative risk posed by sites at the installation.

(6) Type of task to be funded.

(7) Community concern.

(8) Available funding.

(b) Identification of proposed TAPP project. Eligible applicants of RABs and TRCs, established in § 203.7 of this part, should determine whether a TAPP project is required to assist the community members of the RAB or TRC to interpret information regarding the nature and extent of contamination or the proposed remedial actions. Eligibility requirements for TAPP projects are described in §§ 203.10 and 203.11 of this part. In keeping with the requirements of 10 U.S.C. 2705(e), the RAB or TRC must be able to demonstrate that the technical expertise necessary for the proposed TAPP project is not available through the Federal, State, or local agencies responsible for overseeing environmental restoration at the installation, or that the selection of an independent provider will contribute to environmental restoration activities and the community acceptance of such activities. In addition, the Department of Defense encourages the RAB or TRC to seek other available sources of assistance prior to submitting a request for TAPP in order to preserve limited resources. These sources include DoD's installation restoration contractor, or other DoD contractors or personnel, EPA or state regulatory personnel, volunteer services from local universities or other experts, or assistance from state and local health and environmental organizations.

(c) TAPP project request. The RAB or TRC should notify the installation of its intent to pursue TAPP upon the determination that other sources of assistance are unavailable or unlikely to contribute to the community acceptance of environmental restoration activities at the installation and should prepare a formal request specifying the type of assistance required and, if desired, one or more sources for this assistance. Details concerning this request are stated in § 203.9 of this part. The RAB or TRC must certify to the Department of Defense that the TAPP request represents a request by a majority of the community members of the RAB or TRC. The RAB or TRC should ensure that the request meets the eligibility requirements specified in §§ 203.10 and 203.11 of this part. Furthermore, the RAB or TRC may outline additional criteria for the Department of Defense to consider in the selection of a provider (such as knowledge of local environmental conditions or specific technical issues, a prior work history within the study area which has relevant specific circumstances or unique challenges, or other relevant expertise or capabilities), keeping in mind that providers must meet the minimum technical qualifications outlined in § 203.12 of this part. The formal request should be submitted to the installation commander or designated decision authority, either directly, or through the DoD RAB Co-chair. The installation commander, or other designated decision authority, will review the proposed project to determine whether the proposed project conforms to the eligibility requirements. If the installation commander, or other designated authority, fails to approve the project request, the rationale for that decision will be provided to the RAB/TRC in writing.

(d) Purchase orders. Upon receipt of a completed TAPP request, the installation will begin the procurement process necessary to obtain the desired services by means of a purchase order or will forward the request to the contracting authority designated by the DoD Component to act for that installation. The government is required to follow the rules and regulations for purchase orders as outlined in the FAR (48 CFR part 13). As a result, the government cannot direct awards to a specified supplier unless the procurement is under $2,500, and then only if the cost is comparable to other suppliers. For procurements over $2,500 but under $100,000, the acquisition is reserved for small businesses, unless there is a reasonable expectation that small businesses could not provide the best scientific and technological sources consistent with the demands of the proposed acquisition for the best mix of cost, performance, and schedules. Furthermore, the award must be on a competitive basis. In addition to proposing potential providers, the application for technical assistance may indicate specific criteria or qualifications that are deemed necessary by the RAB/TRC for the completion of the project to their satisfaction. This information will be used to assist the Department of Defense in preparing a bidders list. The Department of Defense will solicit bids from those providers meeting the criteria and will select a provider offering the best value to the government. Should the procurement process identify a qualified respondent other than the proposed provider(s) identified by the RAB/TRC or fail to identify any qualified respondents, the RAB/TRC will be consulted prior to the award of a purchase order. If the Department of Defense determines that the TAPP request represents an eligible project for which no funds are available, it will ask the RAB or TRC to specify whether the project should be reconsidered upon the availability of additional funds.

(e) Reporting requirements. The applicant must assure that copies of delivered reports are made available to the Department of Defense and must comply with the reporting requirements established in § 203.14 of this part.

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