Appeals process.

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§ 203.19 Appeals process.

DoD Components will establish an appeals process to settle potential disputes between the Department of Defense and the public regarding certain decisions arising out of the TAPP process. The Department of Defense recognizes that the RAB/TRC may disagree with the findings of the installation commander that a proposed TAPP project is ineligible, either because of the availability of alternate sources of assistance or because the project does not meet the eligibility criteria established in this part. It is in the best interests of the Department of Defense and the community members of RABs and TRCs to anticipate and avoid disputes and to work cooperatively to resolve potential differences of opinion. However, in certain circumstances, the RAB/TRC community members may feel that their needs were not adequately served by the decisions of the Department of Defense. In this instance, the hierarchical structure and chain-of-command within each DoD Component will serve as the avenue for appeal. Appeals will be considered within the chain-of-command, and, in general, will be resolved at the lowest level possible. The highest level of appeal will be at the DoD Component Deputy Assistant Secretary level with authority over the DERP and BRAC environmental programs. Inherently governmental functions, such as the procurement process governed by the FAR, are not subject to appeal.

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