Eligible activities.

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§ 203.10 Eligible activities.

(a) TAPP procurements should be pursued by the RAB or TRC only to the extent that Federal, State, or local agencies responsible for overseeing environmental restoration at the facility do not have the necessary technical expertise for the proposed project, or the proposed technical assistance will contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness, or timeliness of environmental restoration activities at the installation and is likely to contribute to community acceptance of those activities.

(b) TAPP procurements may be used to fund activities that will contribute to the public's ability to provide advice to decision-makers by improving the public's understanding of overall conditions and activities. Categories of eligible activities include the following:

(1) Interpret technical documents. The installation restoration program documents each stage of investigation and decision-making with technical reports that summarize data and support cleanup decisions. Technical assistance may be provided to review plans and interpret technical reports for community members of RABs and TRCs. These reports include, but are not limited to:

(i) Installation restoration program site studies, engineering documents, such as site inspections, remedial investigations, feasibility studies, engineering evaluation and cost analyses, and decision documents (including records of decision);

(ii) Risk assessments, including baseline and ecological risk assessments conducted by the installation; and

(iii) Health assessments, such as those conducted by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).

(2) Assess technologies. Technical assistance may be provided to help RAB/TRC community members understand the function and implications of those technologies selected to investigate or clean up sites at the installation.

(3) Participate in relative risk site evaluations. Technical assistance may be provided to help RAB/TRC community members contribute to the relative risk evaluation process for specific sites.

(4) Understand health implications. Technical assistance may be provided to help RAB/TRC community members interpret the potential health implications of cleanup levels or remedial technologies, or to explain the health implications of site contaminants and exposure scenarios.

(5) Training, where appropriate. Technical trainers on specific restoration issues may be appropriate in circumstances where RAB/TRC members need supplemental information on installation restoration projects.

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