Statistical sampling.

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§ 200.1580 Statistical sampling.

(a) In meeting the burden of proof in § 200.2015, the DHA may introduce the results of a statistical sampling study as evidence of the number and amount of claims and/or requests for payment, as described in this part, that were presented, or caused to be presented, by the respondent. Such a statistical sampling study, if based upon an appropriate sampling and computed by valid statistical methods, shall constitute prima facie evidence of the number and amount of claims or requests for payment, as described in this part.

(b) Once the DHA has made a prima facie case, as described in paragraph (a) of this section, the burden of production shall shift to the respondent to produce evidence reasonably calculated to rebut the findings of the statistical sampling study. The DHA will then be given the opportunity to rebut this evidence.

(c) Where the DHA establishes a number and amount of claims subject to penalties using a statistical sampling study, the DHA may use the results of the study to extrapolate a total amount of overpaid funds to be collected pursuant to 32 CFR 199.11.

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