Collection of penalties and assessments.

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§ 200.1550 Collection of penalties and assessments.

(a) Once a determination by the Secretary has become final, collection of any penalty and assessment will be the responsibility of the Defense Health Agency.

(b) A penalty or an assessment imposed under this part may be compromised by the DHA and may be recovered in a civil action brought in the United States district court for the district where the claim was presented or where the respondent resides.

(c) The amount of penalty or assessment, when finally determined, or the amount agreed upon in compromise, may be deducted from any sum then or later owing by the United States Government or a State agency to the person against whom the penalty or assessment has been assessed.

(d) Matters that were raised, or that could have been raised, in a hearing before an ALJ or in an appeal under section 1128A(e) of the Social Security Act may not be raised as a defense in a civil action by the United States to collect a penalty or assessment under this part.

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