Notice of proposed determination.

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§ 200.1500 Notice of proposed determination.

(a) If the DHA proposes a penalty and, when applicable, an assessment, as applicable, in accordance with this part, the DHA must serve on the respondent, in any manner authorized by Rule 4 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, written notice of the DHA's intent to impose a penalty and if applicable an assessment. The notice will include -

(1) Reference to the statutory basis for the penalty and the assessment;

(2) A description of the violation for which the penalty, and assessment are proposed (except in cases in which the DHA is relying upon statistical sampling in accordance with § 200.1580, in which case the notice shall describe those claims and requests for payment constituting the sample upon which the DHA is relying and will briefly describe the statistical sampling technique used by the DHA);

(3) The reason why such violation subjects the respondent to a penalty, and an assessment;

(4) The amount of the proposed penalty and assessment (where applicable);

(5) Any factors and circumstances described in this part that were considered when determining the amount of the proposed penalty and assessment; and

(6) Instructions for responding to the notice, including -

(i) A specific statement of the respondent's right to a hearing; and

(ii) A statement that failure to request a hearing within 60 days permits the imposition of the proposed penalty, assessment, without right of appeal.

(b) Any person upon whom the DHA has proposed the imposition of a penalty, and/or an assessment, may appeal such proposed penalty, and/or assessment to the Departmental Appeals Board in accordance with § 200.2002. The provisions of subpart P of this part govern such appeals.

(c) If the respondent fails, within the time period permitted, to exercise his or her right to a hearing under this section, any penalty, and/or assessment becomes final.

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