Regulatory relief for participating programs.

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§ 2.3 Regulatory relief for participating programs.

(a) A program participating in the Defense Acquisition Pilot Program will not be subject to any regulation, policy, directive, or administrative rule or guideline relating to the acquisition activities of the Department of Defense other than the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)[1] , the Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS)[2] , or those regulatory requirements added by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, the Head of the Component, or the DoD Component Acquisition Executive.

(b) Provisions of the FAR and/or DFARS that do not implement statutory requirements may be waived by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology using appropriate administrative procedures. Provisions of the FAR and DFARS that implement statutory requirements may be waived or limited in accordance with the procedures for statutory relief previously mentioned.

(c) Regulatory relief includes relief from use of government-unique specifications and standards. Since a major objective of the Defense Acquisition Pilot Program is to promote standard, commercial industrial practices, functional performance and commercial specifications and standards will be used to the maximum extent practical. Federal or military specifications and standards may be used only when no practical alternative exists that meet the user's needs. Defense acquisition officials (other than the Program Manager or Commodity Manager) may only require the use of military specifications and standards with advance approval from the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, the Head of the DoD Component, or the DoD Component Acquisition Executive.

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