Effect on other issuances.

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§ 195.13 Effect on other issuances.

All issuances heretofore issued by any officer of the Department of Defense or its components which impose requirements designed to prohibit any discrimination against individuals on the ground of race, color, or national origin under any program to which this part applies, and which authorize the suspension or termination of or refusal to grant or to continue Federal financial assistance to any applicant for or recipient of such assistance under such program for failure to comply with such requirements, are hereby superseded to the extent that such discrimination is prohibited by this part, except that nothing in this part shall be deemed to relieve any person of any obligation assumed or imposed under any such superseded regulation, order, instruction, or like direction prior to the effective date of this part. Nothing in this part, however, shall be deemed to supersede any of the following (including future amendments thereof):

(a) Executive Orders 10925 and 11114 and issuances thereunder,

(b) The “Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration,” issued jointly by the Secretaries of Defense, of Health, Education, and Welfare, and of Labor, 28 FR 734, or

(c) Executive Order 11063 and issuances thereunder, or any other issuances, insofar as such Order or issuances prohibit discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin in any program or situation to which this part is inapplicable, or prohibit discrimination on any other ground.

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