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§ 191.5 Responsibilities.

(a) The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management and Personnel (ASD(FM&P)), or designee, shall:

(1) Represent the Secretary of Defense in all matters related to the DoD Civilian EEO Program, consistent with DoD Directive 5124.2[3]

(2) Establish and chair the DEOC.

(3) Establish a Civilian EEO Review Board.

(4) Develop policy and provide program oversight for the Civilian EEO Program.

(5) Ensure full implementation of this part, monitor progress of affirmative action program elements, and advise the Secretary of Defense on matters relating to the Civilian EEO Program.

(6) Ensure that realistic goals that provide for significant continuing increases in the percentages of minorities, women, and people with disabilities in entry, middle, and higher grade positions in all organizations and occupations are set and accomplished until the overall DoD objective is met and sustained.

(7) Prepare a new DoD Human Goals Charter each time a new Secretary of Defense is appointed.

(8) Ensure fair, impartial, and timely investigation and resolution of complaints of discrimination in employment, including complaints of sexual harassment.

(9) Establish DoD SEPs for the FWP, HEP, HIP, AEP, AIEP, and BEP.

(10) Establish DoD Special Emphasis Program Boards to assist with implementation of SEPs under this part.

(11) Establish DoD Civilian EEO Award Programs to provide for the annual issuance of Secretary of Defense Certificates of Merit to DoD Components and individuals for outstanding achievement in the major areas covered by this part, and to review all awards and management training programs within the Department of Defense to ensure that minorities, women, and people with disabilities receive full and fair consideration consistent with their qualifications and the applicable program criteria.

(12) Issue implementing instructions and other documents, as required, to achieve the goals of the DoD Civilian EEO Program and to provide policy direction and overall guidance to the DoD Components.

(13) Represent the Department of Defense on programmatic EEO matters with EEOC, OPM, the Department of Justice, other Federal Agencies, and Congress.

(14) Represent the Department of Defense on the Interagency Committee on Handicapped Employees under E.O. 11830, as amended, and the Council on Accessible Technology under General Services Administration Order ADM 5420.71A.

(15) Represent the Department of Defense at meetings and conferences of non-Federal organizations concerned with EEO programs, and coordinate DoD support of such organizations' activities with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) and with DoD General Counsel in accordance with DoD Directive 5410.18[4] , DoD Instruction 5410.19[5] , DoD Directive 5500.2[6] , and DoD Directive 5500.7[7] .

(16) Serve as the DoD liaison with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), Department of Labor (DoL), for the purpose of providing contract information, forwarding complaints of discrimination filed against DoD contractors, and implementing administrative sanctions imposed against DoD contractors for violations of E.O. 11141; E.O. 11246; as amended by E.O. 11375, E.O. 12088; and DoL implementing regulations.

(17) Ensure that the DoD FAR Supplement contains appropriate contract provisions for EEO for Government contractors and subcontractors under Executive Orders 11141, 11246 Part II, 11375, and 12086; Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended; Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and DoL implementing regulations.

(b) The Heads of DoD Components, or their designees, shall:

(1) Ensure that all EEO policies are disseminated widely and that they are understood and implemented at all levels within their Components.

(2) Ensure that their Components comply with EEOC and OPM guidance and this part and that minorities, women, and people with disabilities receive full and fair consideration for civilian employment in all grade levels, occupations, and major organizations, with special emphasis on mid-level and higher grades and executive-level jobs, including the Senior Executive Service (SES) and SES candidate pools.

(3) Treat equal opportunity and affirmative action programs as essential elements of readiness that are vital to accomplishment of the national security mission.

(4) Designate a Director of Civilian Equal Opportunity and allocate sufficient staff and other resources to ensure a viable EEO program under this Directive. This includes assignment of staff to be responsible for EEO and affirmative action programs generally and SEP Managers for the SEPs established under this part at the Component level.

(5) Establish DoD SEPs, for the FWP, HEP, PPD, AEP, AIEP, and BEP at Headquarters level and at all field activities levels unless exemptions are granted to field activities. Authority to grant exceptions to field activities of DoD Components is delegated to the Component Heads who, in turn, may redelegate this authority.

(6) Require that EEO be included in critical elements in the performance appraisals of all supervisors, managers, and other Component personnel, military and civilian, with EEO responsibilities.

(7) Ensure fair, impartial, and timely investigation and resolution of complaints of discrimination in employment, including complaints of sexual harassment.

(8) Set realistic Component goals and motivate subordinate managers and supervisors to set and meet their own goals until overall DoD and Component goals are met and sustained.

(9) Evaluate employment policies, practices, and patterns within their respective Components and identify and correct and institutional barriers that restrict opportunities for recruitment, employment, advancement, awards, or training for minorities, women, and people with disabilities and ensure that EEO officers and civilian personnel officers provide leadership in eliminating these barriers.

(10) Ensure that installations and activities establish focused external recruitment programs to produce employment applications from minorities, women, and people with disabilities who are qualified to compete effectively with internal DoD candidates for employment at all levels and in all occupations.

(11) Establish a continuing EEO educational program (including training in the prevention of sexual harassment) for civilian and military personnel who supervise civilian employees.

(12) Establish EEO Awards Programs to recognize individuals and organizational units for outstanding achievement in one or all of the major EEO areas covered by this part.

(13) Review all award and management training programs to ensure that minorities, women, and people with disabilities are considered, consistent with their qualifications and program criteria.

(14) At military installations having a civilian work force and military units, ensure that the Civilian EEO Program is managed by and conducted for civilian personnel only and that the Military Equal Opportunity Program is managed by and conducted for military personnel only. Any exceptions to this policy must be authorized by the Component head.

[53 FR 30990, Aug. 17, 1988, as amended at 56 FR 10170, Mar. 11, 1991; 57 FR 35756, Aug. 11, 1992]

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