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§ 191.4 Policy.

It is DoD Policy to:

(a) Recognize equal opportunity programs, including affirmative action programs, as essential elements of readiness that are vital to the accomplishment of the DoD national security mission. Equal employment opportunity is the objective of affirmative action programs.

(b) Develop and implement affirmative action programs to achieve the objective of a civilian work force in which the representation of minorities, women, and people with disabilities at all grade levels, in every occupational series, and in every major organization element is commensurate with the representation specified in EEOC and OPM guidance. Such programs, which shall be designed to identify, recruit, and select qualified personnel, shall be coordinated with the cognizant legal offices.

(c) Ensure that Civilian EEO Program activities for minorities, women, and people with disabilities are integrated fully into the civilian personnel management system.

(d) Assess progress in DoD Component programs in accordance with the affirmative action goals of the Department of Defense.

(e) Prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, mental or physical disability, or age.

(f) Eliminate barriers and practices that impede equal employment opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment, including sexual harassment in the work force and at work sites and architectural, transportation, and other barriers affecting people with disabilities.

[53 FR 30990, Aug. 17, 1988, as amended at 54 FR 15752, Apr. 19, 1989; 57 FR 35756, Aug. 11, 1992]

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