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§ 179.5 Responsibilities.

Each Component shall:

(a) Apply the rule in this part to each MRS under its administrative control when sufficient data are available to populate all the data elements within any or all of the three hazard evaluation modules that comprise the rule. Upon further delineation and characterization of an MRA into more than one MRS, Components shall reapply the rule to all MRSs within the MRA. In such cases where data are not sufficient to populate one or two of the hazard evaluation modules (e.g., there are no constituent sampling data for the Health Hazard Evaluation [HHE] module), Components will assign a priority based on the hazard evaluation modules evaluated and reapply the rule once sufficient data are available to apply the remaining hazard evaluation modules.

(b) Ensure that the total acreage of each MRA is evaluated using this rule (i.e., ensure the all MRSs within the MRA are evaluated).

(c) Ensure that EPA, other federal agencies (as appropriate or required), state regulatory agencies, tribal governments, local restoration advisory boards or technical review committees, local community stakeholders, and the current landowner (if the land is outside Department control) are offered opportunities as early as possible and throughout the process to participate in the application of the rule and making sequencing recommendations.

(1) To ensure EPA, other federal agency, state regulatory agencies, tribal governments, and local government officials are aware of the opportunity to participate in the application of the rule, the Component organization responsible for implementing a munitions response at the MRS shall notify the heads of these organizations (or their designated point of contact), as appropriate, seeking their involvement prior to beginning prioritization. Records of the notification will be placed in the Administrative Record and Information Repository for the MRS.

(2) Prior to beginning prioritization, the Component organization responsible for implementing a munitions response at the MRS shall publish an announcement in local community publications requesting information pertinent to prioritization or sequencing decisions to ensure the local community is aware of the opportunity to participate in the application of the rule.

(d) Establish a quality assurance panel of Component personnel to review, initially, all MRS prioritization decisions. Once the Department determines that its Components are applying the rule in a consistent manner and the rule's application leads to decisions that are representative of site conditions, the Department may establish a sampling-based approach for its Components to use for such reviews. This panel reviewing the priority assigned to an MRS shall not include any participant involved in applying the rule to that MRS. If the panel recommends a change that results in a different priority, the Component shall report, in the inventory data submitted to the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations & Environment) (ODUSD[I&E]), the rationale for this change. The Component shall also provide this rationale to the appropriate regulatory agencies and involved stakeholders for comment before finalizing the change.

(e) Following the panel review, submit the results of applying the rule along with the other inventory data that 10 U.S.C. 2710(c) requires be made publicly available, to the ODUSD(I&E). The ODUSD(I&E) shall publish this information in the report on environmental restoration activities for that fiscal year. If sequencing decisions result in action at an MRS with a lower MRS priority ahead of an MRS with a higher MRS priority, the Component shall provide specific justification to the ODUSD(I&E).

(f) Document in a Management Action Plan (MAP) or its equivalent all aspects of the munitions responses required at all MRSs for which that MAP is applicable. Department guidance requires that MAP be developed and maintained at an installation (or Formerly Used Defense Site [FUDS] property) level and address each site at that installation or FUDS. For the FUDS program, a statewide MAP may also be developed.

(g) Develop sequencing decisions at installations and FUDS with input from appropriate regulators and stakeholders (e.g., community members of an installation's restoration advisory board or technical review committee), and document this development in the MAP. Final sequencing may be impacted by Component program management considerations. If the sequencing of any MRS is changed from the sequencing reflected in the current MAP, the Component shall provide information to the appropriate regulators and stakeholders documenting the reasons for the sequencing change, and shall request their review and comment on that decision.

(h) Ensure that information provided by regulators and stakeholders that may influence the priority assigned to an MRS or sequencing decision concerning an MRS is included in the Administrative Record and the Information Repository.

(i) Review each MRS priority at least annually and update the priority as necessary to reflect new information. Reapplication of the rule is required under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Upon completion of a response action that changes site conditions in a manner that could affect the evaluation under this rule.

(2) To update or validate a previous evaluation at an MRS when new information is available.

(3) To update or validate the priority assigned where that priority has been previously assigned based on evaluation of only one or two of the three hazard evaluation modules.

(4) Upon further delineation and characterization of an MRA into MRSs.

(5) To categorize any MRS previously classified as “evaluation pending.”

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