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§ 179.3 Definitions.

This part includes definitions for many terms that clarify its scope and applicability. Many of the terms relevant to this part are already defined, either in 10 U.S.C. 101, 10 U.S.C. 2710(e), or the Code of Federal Regulations. Where this is the case, the statutory and regulatory definitions are repeated here strictly for ease of reference. Citations to the U.S. Code or the Code of Federal Regulations are provided with the definition, as applicable. Unless used elsewhere in the U.S. Code or the Code of Federal Regulations, these terms are defined only for purposes of this part.

Barrier means a natural obstacle or obstacles (e.g., difficult terrain, dense vegetation, deep or fast-moving water), a man-made obstacle or obstacles (e.g., fencing), and combinations of natural and man-made obstacles.

Chemical agent (CA) means a chemical compound (to include experimental compounds) that, through its chemical properties produces lethal or other damaging effects on human beings, is intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate persons through its physiological effects. Excluded are research, development, testing and evaluation (RDTE) solutions; riot control agents; chemical defoliants and herbicides; smoke and other obscuration materials; flame and incendiary materials; and industrial chemicals. (This definition is based on the definition of “chemical agent and munition” in 50 U.S.C. 1521(j)(1).)

Chemical Agent (CA) Hazard is a condition where danger exists because CA is present in a concentration high enough to present potential unacceptable effects (e.g., death, injury, damage) to people, operational capability, or the environment.

Chemical Warfare Materiel (CWM) means generally configured as a munition containing a chemical compound that is intended to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate a person through its physiological effects. CWM includes V- and G-series nerve agents or H-series (mustard) and L-series (lewisite) blister agents in other-than-munition configurations; and certain industrial chemicals (e.g., hydrogen cyanide (AC), cyanogen chloride (CK), or carbonyl dichloride (called phosgene or CG)) configured as a military munition. Due to their hazards, prevalence, and military-unique application, chemical agent identification sets (CAIS) are also considered CWM. CWM does not include riot control devices; chemical defoliants and herbicides; industrial chemicals (e.g., AC, CK, or CG) not configured as a munition; smoke and other obscuration-producing items; flame and incendiary-producing items; or soil, water, debris, or other media contaminated with low concentrations of chemical agents where no CA hazards exist. For the purposes of this Protocol, CWM encompasses four subcategories of specific materials:

(1) CWM, explosively configured are all munitions that contain a CA fill and any explosive component. Examples are M55 rockets with CA, the M23 VX mine, and the M360 105-mm GB artillery cartridge.

(2) CWM, nonexplosively configured are all munitions that contain a CA fill, but that do not contain any explosive components. Examples are any chemical munition that does not contain explosive components and VX or mustard agent spray canisters.

(3) CWM, bulk container are all non-munitions-configured containers of CA (e.g., a ton container) and CAIS K941, toxic gas set M-1 and K942, toxic gas set M-2/E11.

(4) CAIS are military training aids containing small quantities of various CA and other chemicals. All forms of CAIS are scored the same in this rule, except CAIS K941, toxic gas set M-1; and CAIS K942, toxic gas set M-2/E11, which are considered forms of CWM, bulk container, due to the relatively large quantities of agent contained in those types of sets.

Components means the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, the Department Field Activities, and any other Department organizational entity or instrumentality established to perform a government function.

Defense site means locations that are or were owned by, leased to, or otherwise possessed or used by the Department. The term does not include any operational range, operating storage or manufacturing facility, or facility that is used for or was permitted for the treatment or disposal of military munitions. (10 U.S.C. 2710(e)(1))

Discarded military munitions (DMM) means military munitions that have been abandoned without proper disposal or removed from storage in a military magazine or other storage area for the purpose of disposal. The term does not include UXO, military munitions that are being held for future use or planned disposal, or military munitions that have been properly disposed of consistent with applicable environmental laws and regulations. (10 U.S.C. 2710(e)(2))

Explosive hazard means a condition where danger exists because explosives are present that may react (e.g., detonate, deflagrate) in a mishap with potential unacceptable effects (e.g., death, injury, damage) to people, property, operational capability, or the environment.

Military munitions means all ammunition products and components produced for or used by the armed forces for national defense and security, including ammunition products or components under the control of the Department of Defense, the Coast Guard, the Department of Energy, and the National Guard. The term includes confined gaseous, liquid, and solid propellants; explosives, pyrotechnics, chemical and riot control agents, smokes, and incendiaries, including bulk explosives and chemical warfare agents; chemical munitions, rockets, guided and ballistic missiles, bombs, warheads, mortar rounds, artillery ammunition, small arms ammunition, grenades, mines, torpedoes, depth charges, cluster munitions and dispensers, and demolition charges; and devices and components of any item thereof. The term does not include wholly inert items, improvised explosive devices, and nuclear weapons, nuclear devices, and nuclear components, other than nonnuclear components of nuclear devices that are managed under the nuclear weapons program of the Department of Energy after all required sanitization operations under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) have been completed. (10 U.S.C. 101(e)(4))

Military range means designated land and water areas set aside, managed, and used to research, develop, test, and evaluate military munitions, other ordnance, or weapon systems, or to train military personnel in their use and handling. Ranges include firing lines and positions, maneuver areas, firing lanes, test pads, detonation pads, impact areas, and buffer zones with restricted access and exclusionary areas. (40 CFR 266.201)

Munitions and explosives of concern distinguishes specific categories of military munitions that may pose unique explosives safety risks, such as UXO, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 101(e)(5); discarded military munitions, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 2710(e)(2); or munitions constituents (e.g., TNT, RDX), as defined in 10 U.S.C. 2710(e)(3), present in high enough concentrations to pose an explosive hazard.

Munitions constituents means any materials originating from UXO, discarded military munitions, or other military munitions, including explosive and nonexplosive materials, and emission, degradation, or breakdown elements of such ordnance or munitions. (10 U.S.C. 2710(e)(3))

Munitions response means response actions, including investigation, removal actions, and remedial actions, to address the explosives safety, human health, or environmental risks presented by UXO, discarded military munitions (DMM), or munitions constituents (MC), or to support a determination that no removal or remedial action is required.

Munitions response area (MRA) means any area on a defense site that is known or suspected to contain UXO, DMM, or MC. Examples are former ranges and munitions burial areas. An MRA comprises one or more munitions response sites.

Munitions response site (MRS) means a discrete location within an MRA that is known to require a munitions response.

Operational range means a range that is under the jurisdiction, custody, or control of the Secretary of Defense and that is used for range activities, or although not currently being used for range activities, that is still considered by the Secretary to be a range and has not been put to a new use that is incompatible with range activities. (10 U.S.C. 101(e)(3))

Range means a designated land or water area that is set aside, managed, and used for range activities of the Department of Defense. The term includes firing lines and positions, maneuver areas, firing lanes, test pads, detonation pads, impact areas, electronic scoring sites, buffer zones with restricted access, and exclusionary areas. The term also includes airspace areas designated for military use in accordance with regulations and procedures prescribed by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration. (10 U.S.C. 101(e)(1)(A) and (B))

Range activities means research, development, testing, and evaluation of military munitions, other ordnance, and weapons systems; and the training of members of the armed forces in the use and handling of military munitions, other ordnance, and weapons systems. (10 U.S.C. 101(3)(2))

Unexploded ordnance (UXO) means military munitions that:

(1) Have been primed, fuzed, armed, or otherwise prepared for action;

(2) Have been fired, dropped, launched, projected, or placed in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to operations, installations, personnel, or material; and

(3) Remain unexploded, whether by malfunction, design, or any other cause. (10 U.S.C. 101(e)(5))

United States means, in a geographic sense, the states, territories, and possessions and associated navigable waters, contiguous zones, and ocean waters of which the natural resources are under the exclusive management authority of the United States. (10 U.S.C. 2710(e)(10))

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