Maintenance and repair.

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§ 174.14 Maintenance and repair.

(a) Facilities and equipment located on installations being closed are often important to the eventual reuse of the installation. This section provides maintenance procedures to preserve and protect those facilities and items of equipment needed for reuse in an economical manner that facilitates installation redevelopment.

(b) In order to ensure quick reuse, the Secretary concerned, in consultation with the LRA, will establish initial levels of maintenance and repair needed to aid redevelopment and to protect the property for the time periods set forth in paragraph (c) of this section. Where agreement between the Secretary and the LRA cannot be reached, the Secretary will determine the required levels of maintenance and repair and its duration. In no case will these initial levels of maintenance:

(1) Exceed the standard of maintenance and repair in effect on the date of approval of closure or realignment;

(2) Be less than maintenance and repair required to be consistent with Federal Government standards for excess and surplus properties as provided in the Federal Management Regulations of the GSA, 41 CFR part 102;

(3) Be less than the minimum levels required to support the use of such facilities or equipment for nonmilitary purposes; or,

(4) Require any property improvements, including construction, alteration, or demolition, except when the demolition is required for health, safety, or environmental purposes, or is economically justified in lieu of continued maintenance expenditures.

(c) Unless the Secretary concerned determines that it is in the national security interest of the United States, the levels of maintenance and repair specified in paragraph (b) of this section shall not be changed until the earlier of:

(1) One week after the Secretary concerned receives the redevelopment plan;

(2) The date notified by the LRA that there will be no redevelopment plan;

(3) 24 months after the date of approval of the closure or realignment of the installation; or

(4) 90 days before the date of the closure or realignment of the installation.

(d) The Secretary concerned may extend the time period for the initial levels of maintenance and repair for property still under the Secretary's control for an additional period, if the Secretary determines that the LRA is actively implementing its redevelopment plan, and such levels of maintenance are justified.

(e) Once the time period for the initial or extended levels of maintenance and repair expires, the Secretary concerned will reduce the levels of maintenance and repair to levels consistent with Federal Government standards for excess and surplus properties as provided in the Federal Management Regulations of the GSA, except in the case of facilities still being used to perform a DoD mission.

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