Leasing of transferred real property by Federal agencies.

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§ 174.12 Leasing of transferred real property by Federal agencies.

(a) The Secretary concerned may transfer real property that is still needed by a Federal agency (which for purposes of this section includes DoD Components) to an LRA provided the LRA agrees to lease the property to the Federal agency in accordance with all statutory and regulatory guidance.

(b) The decision whether to transfer property pursuant to such a leasing arrangement rests with the Secretary concerned. However, a Secretary shall only transfer property subject to such a leasing arrangement if the Federal agency that needs the property agrees to the leasing arrangement.

(c) If the subject property cannot be transferred pursuant to such a leasing arrangement (e.g., the relevant Federal agency prefers ownership, the LRA and the Federal agency cannot agree on terms of the lease, or the Secretary concerned determines that such a lease would not be in the Federal interest), such property shall remain in Federal ownership unless and until the Secretary concerned determines that it is surplus.

(d) If a building or structure is proposed for transfer pursuant to this section, that which is leased by the Federal agency may be all or a portion of that building or structure.

(e) Transfers pursuant to this section must be to an LRA.

(f) Either existing Federal tenants or Federal agencies desiring to locate onto the property after operational closure may make use of such a leasing arrangement. The Secretary concerned may not enter into such a leasing arrangement unless:

(1) In the case of a Defense Agency, the Secretary concerned is acting in an Executive Agent capacity on behalf of the Agency that certifies that such a leasing arrangement is in the interest of that Agency; or,

(2) In the case of a Military Department, the Secretary concerned certifies that such a leasing arrangement is in the best interest of the Military Department and that use of the property by the Military Department is consistent with the obligation to close or realign the installation in accordance with the recommendations of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission.

(g) Property eligible for such a leasing arrangement is not surplus because it is still needed by the Federal Government. Even though the LRA would not otherwise have to include such property in its redevelopment plan, it should include the property in its redevelopment plan anyway to take into account the planned Federal use of such property.

(h) The terms of the LRA's lease to the Federal Government should afford the Federal agency rights as close to those associated with ownership of the property as is practicable. The requirements of the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR part 570) are not applicable to the lease, but provisions in that regulation may be used to the extent they are consistent with this part. The terms of the lease are negotiable subject to the following:

(1) The lease shall be for a term of no more than 50 years, but may provide for options for renewal or extension of the term at the request of the Federal Government. The lease term should be based on the needs of the Federal agency.

(2) The lease, or any renewals or extensions thereof, shall not require rental payments.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (h)(2) of this section, if the lease involves a substantial portion of the installation, the Secretary concerned may obtain facility services for the leased property and common area maintenance from the LRA or the LRA's assignee as a provision of the lease.

(A) Such services and common area maintenance shall be provided at a rate no higher than the rate charged to non-Federal tenants of the transferred property.

(B) Such services and common area maintenance shall not include -

(i) Municipal services that a State or local government is required by law to provide to all landowners in its jurisdiction without direct charge, including police protection; or

(ii) Firefighting or security-guard functions.

(C) The Federal agency may be responsible for services such as janitorial, grounds keeping, utilities, capital maintenance, and other services normally provided by a landlord. Acquisition of such services by the Federal agency is to be accomplished through the use of Federal Acquisition Regulation procedures or otherwise in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

(4) The lease shall include a provision prohibiting the LRA from transferring fee title to another entity during the term of the lease, other than one of the political jurisdictions that comprise the LRA, without the written consent of the Federal agency occupying the leased property.


(i) The lease shall include an option specifying that if the Federal agency no longer needs the property before the expiration of the term of the lease, the remainder of the lease term may be satisfied by the same or another Federal agency that needs property for a similar use. (“Similar use” is a use that is comparable to or essentially the same as the use under the original lease, as determined by the Secretary concerned.)

(ii) (B) If the tenant is a DoD Component, before notifying GSA of the availability of the leasehold, it shall determine whether any other DoD Component has a requirement for the leasehold; in doing so, it shall consult with the LRA. If another DoD Component has a requirement for the leasehold, that DoD Component shall be allowed to assume the leasehold for the remainder of its term. If no DoD Component has a requirement for the leasehold, the tenant shall notify GSA in accordance with paragraph (h)(5)(ii)(A) of this section.

(A) The Federal tenant shall notify the GSA of the availability of the leasehold. GSA will then decide whether to exercise this option after consulting with the LRA or other property owner. The GSA shall have 60 days from the date of notification in which to identify a Federal agency to serve out the term of the lease and to notify the LRA or other property owner of the new tenant. If the GSA does not notify the LRA or other property owner of a new tenant within such 60 days, the leasehold shall terminate on a date agreed to by the Federal tenant and the LRA or other property owner.

(B) If the GSA decides not to exercise this option after consulting with the LRA or other property owner, the leasehold shall terminate on a date agreed to by the Federal tenant and the LRA or other property owner.

(6) The terms of the lease shall provide that the Federal agency may repair and improve the property at its expense after consultation with the LRA.

(i) Property subject to such a leasing arrangement shall be conveyed in accordance with the existing EDC procedures. The LRA shall submit the following in addition to the application requirements outlined in § 174.9(e) of this part:

(1) A description of the parcel or parcels the LRA proposes to have transferred to it and then to lease to a Federal agency;

(2) A written statement signed by an authorized representative of the Federal agency that it agrees to accept the lease of the property; and,

(3) A statement explaining why such a leasing arrangement is necessary for the long-term economic redevelopment of the installation property.

(j) The exact amount of consideration, or the formula to be used to determine that consideration, as well as the schedule for payment of consideration must be agreed upon in writing before transfer pursuant to this section.

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