Leasing of real property to non-Federal entities.

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§ 174.11 Leasing of real property to non-Federal entities.

(a) Leasing of real property to non-Federal entities prior to the final disposition of closing and realigning installations may facilitate state and local economic adjustment efforts and encourage economic redevelopment, but the Secretary concerned will always concentrate on the final disposition of real and personal property.

(b) In addition to leasing property at fair market value, to assist local redevelopment efforts the Secretary concerned may also lease real and personal property, pending final disposition, for less than fair market value if the Secretary determines that:

(1) A public interest will be served as a result of the lease; and,

(2) The fair market value of the lease is unobtainable or not compatible with such public benefit.

(c) Pending final disposition of an installation, the Secretary concerned may grant interim leases which are short-term leases that make no commitment for future use or ultimate disposal. When granting an interim lease, the Secretary will generally lease to the LRA but can lease property directly to other entities. If the interim lease (after complying with NEPA) is entered into prior to completion of the final disposal decisions, the term may be for up to five years, including options to renew, and may contain restrictions on use. Leasing should not delay the final disposal of the property. After completion of the final disposal decisions, the term of the lease may be longer than five years.

(d) If the property is leased for less than fair market value to the LRA and the interim lease permits the property to be subleased, the interim lease shall provide that rents from the subleases will be applied by the lessee to the protection, maintenance, repair, improvement, and costs related to the property at the installation consistent with 10 U.S.C. 2667.

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