Benefits for retired civilian personnel.

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§ 161.21 Benefits for retired civilian personnel.

(a) Retired DoD civilian employees. Retired appropriated and non-appropriated fund employees of the DoD are eligible for benefits as shown in Table 45 to this subpart. The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Memorandum, “Department of Defense Civilian Retiree Identification Cards,” authorized the issuance of a DoD ID card to this population.

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Table 45 to Subpart C of Part 161 - Benefits for Retired DoD Civilian Employees

Self No No No 1 No.

(b) Retired NOAA Wage Mariner employees and their eligible dependents. Retired NOAA Wage Mariners (including retired ship's noncommissioned officers and members of the crews of NOAA vessels and its predecessors), and their dependents are eligible for benefits in accordance with 33 U.S.C. 3074 as shown in Table 46 to this subpart. Surviving dependents of deceased retired NOAA wage mariners remain eligible for benefits in accordance with governing policies as shown in Table 46 to this subpart.

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Table 46 to Subpart C of Part 161 - Benefits for Retired NOAA Wage Mariner Employees and Their Eligible Dependents

Self No No Yes Yes Yes.
Lawful Spouse No No Yes Yes Yes.
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years:
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate child of record of female member, illegitimate child of male member, whose paternity has been judicially determined, or foster child No No 1 1 1.
Ward No No 2 2 2.
Pre-adoptive Child No No 3 3 3.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over No No 4 4 4.

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