Benefits for surviving dependents.

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§ 161.17 Benefits for surviving dependents.

This section describes the benefits for surviving dependents of active duty deceased uniformed services members, deceased National Guard and Reserve service members, deceased MOH recipients, and deceased 100 percent DAV. Surviving children who are adopted by a non-military member after the death of the sponsor remain eligible for all benefits as shown in this section.

(a) Surviving dependents of active duty deceased members. Surviving dependents of members who died while on active duty under orders that specified a period of more than 30 days or members who died while in a retired with pay status are eligible for benefits as shown in Table 16 to this subpart.

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Table 16 to Subpart C of Part 161 - Benefits for Surviving Dependents of Active Duty Deceased Members

Widow or widower:
Unremarried 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes.
Remarried No No No No No.
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes.
Children, Unmarried, or Under 21 Years (Including Orphans):
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate child of record of female member, or illegitimate child of male member whose paternity has been judicially determined or voluntarily acknowledged 1 Yes 2 2 2.
Ward 1, 4 1, 4 4 4 4.
Pre-adoptive Child 1, 5 1, 5 5 5 5.
Foster Child No No 2 2 2.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over 1, 6 6 7 7 7.
Parent, Parent-in-Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No 3 3 3 3.

(b) Surviving dependents of deceased National Guard and Reserve members not on an active duty period greater than 30 days. The surviving dependents of National Guard and Reserve Service members are eligible for the benefits shown in Table 17 to this subpart if:

(1) The National Guard or Reserve member died from an injury or illness incurred or aggravated while on active duty for a period of 30 days or less, on active duty for training, or on inactive duty training, or while traveling to or from the place at which the member was to perform, or performed, such active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1076 and 1086(c)(2) and if death occurred on or after October 1, 1985; or

(2) The National Guard or Reserve member died from an injury, illness, or disease incurred or aggravated while performing, or while traveling to or from performing active duty for a period of 30 days or less, or active duty for training, or inactive duty training, or while performing service on funeral honors in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 1074a and if death occurred on or after November 15, 1986.

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Table 17 to Subpart C of Part 161 - Benefits for Surviving Dependents of Deceased National Guard and Reserve Members Not On Active Duty for a Period Greater Than 30 Days

Widow or Widower:
Unremarried 1, 2 2 Yes Yes Yes.
Remarried No No No No No.
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes.
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years (Including Orphans):
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate child of record of female member, or illegitimate child of male member whose paternity has been judicially determined or voluntarily acknowledged 1, 2 2 3 3 3.
Ward 1, 2, 5 2, 5 5 5 5.
Pre-adoptive Child 1, 2, 6 2, 6 6 6 6.
Foster Child No No 3 3 3.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over 1, 2, 7 2, 7 8 8 8.
Parent, Parent-in-Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No 2, 4 4 4 4.

(c) Surviving dependents of deceased National Guard and Reserve members in receipt of their notice of eligibility (NOE), Retired Reserve members not yet age 60, and former members not in receipt of retired pay. The surviving dependents of National Guard and Reserve members who have died before the age of 60 are eligible for the benefits shown in Table 18 to this subpart if the deceased sponsor was:

(1) A Reserve member who had earned 20 qualifying years for retirement and received their NOE for retired pay at age 60, but had not transferred to the Retired Reserve.

(2) A Retired Reserve member eligible for pay at age 60, not yet age 60.

(3) A former member who had met time-in-service requirements.

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Table 18 to Subpart C of Part 161 - Benefits for Surviving Dependents of National Guard and Reserve Members Who Have Died Before Age 60

Widow or Widower:
Unremarried 1, 2 1 Yes Yes Yes.
Remarried No No No No No.
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes.
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years (Including Orphans):
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate child of record of female member, or illegitimate child of male member whose paternity has been judicially determined or voluntarily acknowledged 1, 2 1 3 3 3.
Ward 1, 2, 5 1, 5 5 5 5.
Pre-adoptive Child 1, 2, 6 1, 6 6 6 6.
Foster Child No No 3 3 3.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over 1, 2, 7 1, 7 8 8 8.
Parent, Parent-in-Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No 1, 4 4 4 4.

(d) Surviving dependents of deceased National Guard and Reserve members whose death is unrelated to the member's service. The surviving dependents of National Guard and Reserve members are eligible for the benefits shown in Table 19 to this subpart if:

(1) The member's death was unrelated to the member's service.

(2) The member was not on active duty, active duty for training, or on inactive duty training, or while traveling to or from the place at which the member was to perform, or performed, such active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training.

(3) The member was not eligible for retired pay.

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Table 19 to Subpart C of Part 161 - Benefits for Surviving Dependents of National Guard and Reserve Members Whose Death Was Unrelated to the Member's Service

Widow or Widower:
Unremarried No No Yes Yes Yes.
Remarried No No No No No.
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes.
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years (Including Orphans):
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate child of record of female member, or illegitimate child of male member whose paternity has been judicially determined or voluntarily acknowledged, foster child No No 1 1 1.
Ward No No 2 2 2.
Pre-adoptive Child No No 3 3 3.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over No No 4 4 4.
Parent, Parent-in-Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No No 5 5 5.

(e) Surviving dependents of deceased uniformed services retirees or deceased MOH recipients. The surviving dependents of deceased uniformed services retirees or deceased MOH recipients are eligible for the benefits shown in Table 20 to this subpart.

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Table 20 to Subpart C of Part 161 - Benefits for Surviving Dependents of Deceased Uniformed Services Retirees and Deceased MOH Recipients

Widow or Widower:
Unremarried 1, 2 2, 4 Yes Yes Yes.
Remarried No No No No No.
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes.
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years:
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate child of member, illegitimate child of spouse 1, 2 2, 4 4 3 3.
Ward 1, 2, 6 2, 3, 6 6 6 6.
Pre-adoptive Child 1, 2, 7 2, 3, 7 7 7 7.
Foster Child No No 3 3 3.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over 1, 2, 8 2, 8 9 9 9.
Parent, Parent-in-Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No No 5 5 5.

(f) Surviving dependents of 100 percent DAVs. Surviving dependents of honorably discharged veterans rated as 100 percent disabled or incapable of pursuing substantially gainful employment by the VA from a service-connected injury or disease at the time of the veteran's death are eligible for benefits as shown in Table 21 to this subpart.

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Table 21 to Subpart C of Part 161 - Benefits for Surviving Dependents of 100 Percent DAVs

Widow or Widower (DoD Beneficiary):
Unremarried No No Yes Yes Yes.
Remarried No No No No No.
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes.
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years:
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate child of record of female member, or illegitimate child of male member whose paternity has been judicially determined or voluntarily acknowledged, foster child No No 1 1 1.
Ward No No 2 2 2.
Pre-adoptive Child No No 3 3 3.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over No No 4 4 4.
Parent, Parent-in-Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No No 5 5 5.

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