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§ 151.1 Purpose.

This part establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures, supplemental to those provided in DoD Instruction 5525.01, “Foreign Criminal and Civil Jurisdiction,” which will be made available at http://www.esd.whs.mil/Directives/issuances/dodi/, concerning trial by foreign criminal courts of, treatment in foreign prisons of, and the payment of counsel fees in certain civil cases for the following individuals, referred to collectively in this part as “dependents of DoD personnel,” when those individuals are in a foreign country as a result of accompanying DoD personnel who are assigned duty in that country:

(a) Command-sponsored and non-command sponsored dependents of Armed Forces members;

(b) Dependents of nationals and non-nationals of the United States who are serving with or accompanying the Military Services (referred to in this rule as “non-military DoD personnel”) in an area outside the United States and its territories and possessions, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (referred to collectively in this rule as “outside the United States”);

(c) Dependents of DoD personnel serving under a U.S. Chief of Mission are not considered to be “dependents of DoD personnel” for the purposes of this part.

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