Petitions for extraordinary relief, answer, and reply.

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§ 150.20 Petitions for extraordinary relief, answer, and reply.

(a) Petition for extraordinary relief. A petition for extraordinary relief in the number of copies required by the Court shall be accompanied by proof of service on each party respondent and will contain:

(1) A previous history of the case including whether prior actions have been filed or are pending for the same relief in this or any other court and the disposition or status of such actions;

(2) A concise and objective statement of all facts relevant to the issue presented and of any pertinent opinion, order or ruling;

(3) A copy of any pertinent parts of the record and all exhibits related to the petition if reasonably available and transmittable at or near the time the petition is filed;

(4) A statement of the issue;

(5) The specific relief sought;

(6) Reasons for granting the writ;

(7) The jurisdictional basis for relief sought and the reasons why the relief sought cannot be obtained during the ordinary course of appellate review;

(8) If desired, a request for appointment of appellate counsel.

(b) Format. The title of the petition shall include the name, military grade and service number of each named party and, where appropriate, the official military or civilian title of any named party acting in an official capacity as an officer or agent of the United States. When an accused has not been named as a party, the accused shall be identified by name, military grade and service number by the petitioner and shall be designated as the real party in interest.

(c) Electronic petitions. The Court will docket petitions for extraordinary relief submitted by electronic means. A petition submitted by electronic means will conclude with the full name and address of petitioner's counsel, if any, and will state when the written petition and brief, when required, were forwarded to the Court and to all named respondents, and by what means they were forwarded.

(d) Notice to the Judge Advocate General. Immediately upon receipt of any petition, the clerk shall forward a copy of the petition to the appropriate Judge Advocate General or designee.

(e) Briefs. Each petition for extraordinary relief must be accompanied by a brief in support of the petition unless it is filed in propria persona. The Court may issue a show cause order in which event the respondent shall file an answer within 10 days of the receipt of the show cause order. The petitioner may file a reply to the answer within 7 days of receipt of the answer.

(f) Initial action by the Court. The Court may dismiss or deny the petition, order the respondent to show cause and file an answer within the time specified, or take whatever other action it deems appropriate.

(g) Oral argument and final action. The Court may set the matter for oral argument. However, on the basis of the pleading alone, the Court may grant or deny the relief sought or make such other order in the case as the circumstances may require. This includes referring the matter to a special master, who need not be a military judge, to further investigate; to take evidence; and to make such recommendations as the Court deems appropriate.

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