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§ 148.13 Responsibilities.

(a) Each Senior Agency Official shall ensure that adequate reciprocity provisions are incorporated within his or her regulatory issuances that prescribe agency safeguards for protecting classified information.

(b) Each Senior Agency Official shall develop, implement, and oversee a program that ensures agency personnel adhere to the policies and procedures prescribed herein and the reciprocity provisions of the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM).

(c) Each Senior Agency Official must ensure that implementation encourages reporting of instances of non-compliance, without fear of reprisal, and each reported instance is aggressively acted upon.

(d) The Director, Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), consistent with his assigned responsibilities under Executive Order 12829, serves as the central point of contact within Government to consider and take action on complaints and suggestions from industry concerning alleged violations of the reciprocity provisions of the NISPOM.

(e) The Director, Security Policy Board Staff (D/SPBS) or his/her designee, shall serve as the central point of contact within Government to receive from Federal Government employees alleged violations of the reciprocity provisions prescribed herein and the policy “Reciprocity of Use and Inspections of Facilities” of the SPB.

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