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§ 114.5 Responsibilities.

(a) The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)):

(1) Establishes overall policy for victim and witness assistance and monitors compliance with this part.

(2) Approves procedures developed by the Secretaries of the Military Departments that implement and are consistent with this part.

(3) Maintains the DoD Victim Assistance Leadership Council, in accordance with DoD Instruction 6400.07, which advises the Secretary of Defense on policies and practices related to the provision of victim assistance and provides a forum that promotes efficiencies, coordinates victim assistance-related policies, and assesses the implementation of victim assistance standards across the DoD's victim assistance-related programs.

(4) Submits an annual report to the Office for Victims of Crime, Department of Justice, identifying the number of specified notifications made to victims and witnesses of alleged crimes.

(b) The Director, DoD Human Resources Activity, through the Defense Manpower Data Center, and under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), assists in formulating a data collection mechanism to track and report victim notifications from initial contact through investigation to disposition, to include prosecution, confinement, and release.

(c) The Inspector General of the Department of Defense (DoD IG):

(1) Establishes investigative policy and performs appropriate oversight reviews of the management of the Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) by the DoD military criminal investigative organizations (MCIOs). This is not intended to substitute for the routine managerial oversight of the program provided by the MCIOs, the USD(P&R), the DoD Component heads, the DoD Component responsible officials, or the local responsible officials.

(2) Investigates and oversees DoD Component Inspector General investigations of allegations or reprisal for making or preparing to make or being perceived as making or preparing to make a protected communication, in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 1034.

(d) The DoD Component heads:

(1) Ensure compliance with this part, and establish policies and procedures to implement the VWAP within their DoD Components.

(2) Designate the DoD Component responsible official for the VWAP, who will report annually to the USD(P&R) using DD Form 2706, “Victim and Witness Assistance Annual Report” (available at

(3) Provide for the assignment of personnel in sufficient numbers to enable those programs identified in the 10 U.S.C. 113 note to be carried out effectively.

(4) Designate a central repository for confinee information for each Military Service, and establish procedures to ensure victims who so elect are notified of changes in inmate status.

(5) Maintain a Victim and Witness Assistance Council, when practicable, at each military installation, to ensure victim and witness service providers follow an interdisciplinary approach. These providers may include chaplains, sexual assault prevention and response personnel, family advocacy personnel, military treatment facility health care providers and emergency room personnel, family service center personnel, military equal opportunity personnel, judge advocates, SVC/VLCs, unit commanding officers, corrections personnel, and other persons designated by the Secretaries of the Military Departments.

(6) Maintain training programs to ensure Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) providers receive instruction to assist them in complying with this part. Training programs will include specialized training for VWAP personnel assigned to the SVIP capability, in accordance with § 114.6(c).

(7) Designate local responsible officials in writing in accordance with Military Service regulations and § 114.6(a)(1).

(8) Maintain oversight procedures to ensure establishment of an integrated support system capable of providing the services outlined in § 114.6, and meet the competency, ethical, and foundational standards established in DoD Instruction 6400.07. Such oversight may include coverage by DoD Component Inspectors General, staff assistance visits, surveys, and status reports.

(9) Establish mechanisms for ensuring that victims are notified of and afforded the rights specified in the UCMJ, including the rights specified in Article 6b of the UCMJ (10 U.S.C. 806b) and R.C.M. 306.

(10) Establish mechanisms for the enforcement of the rights specified in the UCMJ, including mechanisms for the application for such rights and for consideration and disposition of applications for such rights. At a minimum, such enforcement mechanisms will include the designation of an authority within each Military Service to receive and investigate complaints relating to the provision or violation of such rights and the establishment of disciplinary sanctions for responsible military and civilian personnel who wantonly fail to comply with the requirements relating to such rights.

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